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Power of Insight
Power Of Insight
A problem solving method that does not just limit you to what is already known and obvious.
Get solutions that are complete, long term and where all relevant parts are included
Our Intentions
Empowering Exploration
Inspiring open-mindedness and curiosity, moving towards insight away from ignorance
Supporting Connection
A tribe of human beings, the chosen family, belonging, trust, support and true safety
Provoking Awareness
Inviting wisdom over knowledge, instigating choice instead of submission
Encouraging Life
Living rather than dying, serving life, healing and solutions, without resignation

If you have doubts about you own ability to evaluate the validity of information or opinions this site is not for you. We expect you to be a responsible human being looking to inform yourself and responsible enough to evaluate the validity of what you see and read here. We recommend that you continuously check with yourself if you are of sound mind and well-being and able to take responsibility for your own exploration. You are free to leave and stop at any time.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results”
This is not an Albert Einstein quote. ref:
Our minds control the way we see things. It is time to take a hard look at what we believe if we are to change the path we are on into extinction. We need to rethink what it is to be human.
ClickIs life and our world full of polarities, and are they ‘either/or’ or really ‘both/and’ like two sides of a coin?
“we will never fully understand our world if we do not understand polarity” Arne Mayoh
New posts
Since we believe that no one understands the entire truth of anything, that we all have a version of truth internally that very often differs from anyone elses and that truth is not a majority rule. We cannot support a…
In Explore Being Human we believe connection to be the most important of human needs. Best if it is both inner and outer connection, but both are worth it to develop. A baby in an incubator will die faster if…
Read this online for some fun!
Hi I'm Anna. Daisyna is one of my favourite toys - she is super grumpy and bossy and funny - so I've started a cartoon series about me and her. Daisyna usually argues with her duck friends, not me. I'm…
Reflecting on my post about Facing My Fears of Social Rejection, I surprisingly find myself way more focused on - almost obsessed with - how I look on the video. I’m almost completely ignoring the music. This is new awareness…
This is my first post. It's taken me a long time to take the plunge. Fear of criticism, judgement, or even social rejection stands in my way. This post is a step towards overcoming my fear - being imperfect and…
What we need is solutions and alternatives - choices, not blame! "I see almost everybody looking for someone or something to blame for the mess we are in. Politicians blaming each other, us blaming them, some blaming the capitalists and…
It is no wonder that we aimlessly traverse through our lives in blind search for comfort and ease. Both because the fear of our culture is so pervasive and we meet it everywhere, and because we have never really learned…
Everything would be easier if we didn't care and had no responsibility. Lots of people are searching for a life of no worries and painless ease. More still have found great joy in times of no responsibility and what they… Why wait to make up your mind if you can be supported now, guided by wisdom? Human drivers Have a look at my take on this This is where you have to make choices, explore what you care about and what moves you. This is where you can move into action and change fundamentals in old patterns and grow. This is where you can help…
The basic question 'Do you work well under pressure' should be answered by most 'Depends on the pressure!'. Everybody seems to have a breaking point.
“Emotional Intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, value and effectively apply the power of emotions as a source of human energy, information, trust, creativity, and influence.” —Daniel Goleman
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a capacity building approach that selectively seeks to locate, highlight, and illuminate the life-giving forces within an organisation or community. AI seeks out the best of “what is” to help ignite the collective imagination of “what…