Explore Being Human

I am awakening to the realisation that I am dying and need to share more of what I have learned through my amazing life. I am curious to see what new life may come of that sharing. I am curious if anything of what I have learned and explored can be of use for anyone else.

I live in acceptance of what is – that the world and life is unlimited and full of unknowns. I live in acceptance of life as it is, both joy and pain, living and dying, knowing and unknowing, questions and answers.

I live with changes and look for change.

I live with unacceptance of how things are, where my life is heading and where the world is heading. I have a fear that it is all going to end and that my life has had no meaning. I live in unacceptance of a life that has no meaning, and I live in fear that fear is going to drive us all into victimhood, paralysis and death.

I have found tools to deal with my fear and use it as a driving force for meaningful action. I have found tools to help me make meaningful choices. I want to accept things as they are and I want to change what I can change in service of life.

I have studied life and still do. I have acquired a lot of wisdom and I will never stop learning. I am curious and wise. I know, and I know that I don’t know. There is me and there is not me, known and unknown. Both are vast and unending because they move and change.

Life is a flow of the known and the unknown, static and change, living and dying. Parts of you die all the time and new life stirs all the time.

My advice is clear: Get used to it! (acceptance) And make a meaningful difference in your actions (unacceptance => change!) Make new choices that fit your values more and more.

To do that you must find your values, what you believe in – the only thing you truly have to depend on. Live your dream of a meaningful life where you actually make a difference. Step out of victimhood and take responsibility for your life!

We offer you two ways to find meaning and positive change: acceptance and unacceptance, both are valid and both need to be explored. You can’t do it alone because you are not alone, everything around you matters as well. Your eyes point away from yourself. You need others to reflect your actions, emotions and thoughts back to you for you to see yourself and them more fully. 

Explore Being Human CIC offers you ways to get there. Explore Being Human CIC has the intention to give you tools to manage the journey to live your dream. Explore Being Human CIC has the intention to support you to make a positive change. 

We hope to provide and create a community of people, a chosen family, a tribe of human beings. Human beings to support other human beings. To comfort you and for you to belong to, to help you and to help you contribute to the wellbeing of other human beings and life as a whole. You cannot do it alone, and we cannot do it without you! We need you to say yes to life and to take responsibility for your actions, emotions and thoughts. Explore Being Human CIC offers a unique approach to help that happen.

Why is that the case? -> EBH has the intention to accept you as you are, to appreciate what you bring and contribute, to help you to make meaningful choices according to your deepest values and to include you in the tribe of human beings in a world free of fear and control. EBH acknowledges that this is not an easy thing to trust in this world of distrust, and that building your trust is our most precious commodity.

Join our members in exploring what it is to be a human being. Join our members to explore what it is to be you and find ways to be more of you. Join our members to help discover new ways of being more human both as a person and as an organisation. Join our members to experience openness, honesty and trust. There is a spiritual aspect in this of serving life and what is bigger than ‘self’. Help us move from victimhood into action. Help us move towards change in service of life. Help us derail this train of fear in the world, the fear of life itself. 

Life is change (discomfort) and real comfort, and both are needed. Real comfort is connection – human deep trusted connection! Change can be conscious and according to our values. Let’s move away from victimhood and make that change together.

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You affect what you see


Proceeding to explore what we advocate or recommend on this site is at your own risk and we offer no guarantees for a specific outcome nor that all of it will serve you. If you have doubts about you own ability to evaluate the validity of information or opinions this site is not for you. We expect you to be a responsible human being looking to inform yourself and responsible enough to evaluate the validity of what you see and read here. We recommend that you continuously check with yourself if you are of sound mind and well-being and able to take responsibility for your own exploration. You are free to leave and stop at any time.

In loving 😉