Pointing at Solutions -a need for new thinking
This site would be of no importance if it didn’t offer a different kind of solutions. It is based on all the latest learning of our difficulties and desires both as individuals and as a bigger group, part of the whole. We can look at our problems as individual and just do what works better, or we can include the connection to everything else and find solutions that give meaning and contribute to the whole.
Explore Being Human has that purpose, to bring and offer solutions to real issues in our lives, communities, organisations and society. We point to Power of Insight as the method to move forward and deal with life’s challenges and future change.
We can’t solve our real issues using the same method that got us there in the first place. We need a better tool.
Our kind of online community: ‘Trusted friends’.
“Trust is something you build, participation is something you can invite, respect is something you earn”.
Any first step into trusting yourself and the other, by joining, contributing, reflecting and asking for support, is a gift. Our ability to value that trust is nominative for our success. Our ability to hold, support and promote trust, will determine our value as a community – A tribe of Human beings. Our values of Curiosity, Honesty, Openness and Equality will guide us there. Join now to show that you approve, make your influence count ->
- ‘Book Us’: Online booking service for local or online support, trainings, coaching, presentations and performances
- ‘Events’: Online and local exploration, grouptalk and educational events, booked and joined online
- ‘Book/PDF -shop’: collections of material, courses, manuals, educational material, books and video presentations
- ‘Online Courses’: Self- and group education.
Technical overview, backgrounds and mission statement
Support for personal development, healing and exploration; ‘Valuing uniqueness and acknowledging sameness’, A body-heart-intellect integrated approach, A platform of curiosity, insight, wisdom and tools, Supportive online participation, reading and viewing, Online and localised courses, Personalised individual empathy and coaching, Guided tours, Personalised appreciative inquiry (AI), Group supported individual reflection and safety, Powerful models, strategies and therapeutic transformative tools to make development efficient and pleasant. The promise is of open mindedness, curiosity, honesty and trust. Care for you and the whole. Aiming at long-time improvements
Group facilitation and shared learning; ‘Valuing togetherness and reflection’, A body-heart-intellect-awareness approach, Long experience in the art of holding, Learn-able modeled facilitation, shared leadership, co-creation, Experiential learning, Appreciative Inquiry (AI), Growing resonance (coherence), resilience and resourcefulness. Aiming at long-time Pareto-improvements, Community building and teamwork.
Business and Organisations development; Motivation, Resourcefulness, growth and resilience to change. Efficiency versus paralysis, Personal and group leadership. Ethical Integration (walk your talk). Appreciative Inquiry (AI), Mercaba Management. Spiral Dynamics. Reinventing organisations, Communication and conflict resolution.
Leadership training, personal- and communit- ; ‘Without leadership or true eldership there will be no coherent outcome’. Shared and individual Leadership, Education and training, Navigating Chaos, Peer involvement, Co-creation and a 100% responsibility. Allowing Presence and empathy. Value-based decision-making.
Culture change and -activism; ‘Linking the Me-We’, Ambition, drive and enthusiasm, Anger and fear embracing activism, Needs directed change, Tools that work, engage and empower. Youth, growth, and eldership, Personal and shared responsibility, You matter! – Your thoughts, experience and voice matters! Join the tribe of human beings and make a difference. Don’t pass the buck to the next generation.