This is where you have to make choices, explore what you care about and what moves you. This is where you can move into action and change fundamentals in old patterns and grow. This is where you can help change the world but are you courageous enough? Are you willing to learn the skills? Are you willing to take responsibility for your life?

You and the world are connected, exchange information, love, money, time and emotional challenges. You will meet challenges of skills, intellect and emotions in this world and on this site.
There are basically two ways to explore the world and us in it: There is the ‘personal’ me-exploration into what makes you tick, how you relate to the world and people around you, how you hear information, how you deal with it internally and how you respond to it. And there is observing and learning from what happens in the ‘we’: others, individuals, groups and society.
You can’t do either alone, because you are not alone. You need to do both listening and speaking up, exploring how you affect others and how they affect you. You need to look into what works for you and what works for others.
If you don’t, the system breaks down, gets stuck and dies slowly or enslaves you to do and live on other peoples terms. What holds us back from doing this journey of discovery is fear! Fear of change, fear of failure, fear of discomfort, fear of exclusion and fear of death.
We all need to take a hard look at what drives us, what drives others and how we may change patterns that are not serving us as human beings and humankind, fully understanding our dependence on life itself.
If you are in fear and need comfort, we acknowledge that humans need real comfort (connection, healing and rest) and we have made a path for you to explore comfort, healing and connection.
If you are ready to engage and explore the challenges that face us and you, and ready to engage in becoming more human and less under control, then there is a path for you as well.
A lot of people have put a lot of work into exploring and finding ways and skills in this field of the uncertain, all with the intention of helping us to reclaim ourselves as human beings. Respect their work and contribute with your own.