• Lynge Clancy posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago

    Feng Shui is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. Feng shui is a long-standing tradition, which originated in an agricultural society. Feng shui house analysis Santa Monica was used to assist families to prosper. The same principles are used to ensure harmony, happiness and prosperity to families and businesses.

    What exactly is Feng Shui?

    Feng Shui is the Chinese practice that creates harmony and balance in a space to optimise the flow of energy and let to live a peaceful life. Feng Shui calls for you to incorporate five elements that naturally exist in your home: water metal fire wood, earth, and wood. It is also important to strike an equilibrium between the five elements.

    The bagua/pakua, which is the Feng Shui energy map, is among the most effective tools. It assists in applying the elements to areas within your home that reflect the aspects in your life you would like to focus on: career, wealth, relationships, health, or travel. The image below shows an outline of the spaces in your home and which elements of your lives they represent.

    For example, if you’ve always wanted to work to improve your professional career You can include elements of water in the entry area (north) of your house for example, an artwork of water, a reflection, fountain mirror, or an arrangement of dark hues.

    The objective is to find equilibrium – the Yin and Yang

    To create a balanced energetic home, you must take a proactive approach to maintaining the balance between Yin and Yang. Yin is the energy that is passive which allows relaxation while Yang is the active energy that promotes productivity and socialization. Although one cannot be separated from the other but it’s possible to achieve balance by having Yin and Yang in different rooms. Yin would be the best for bedrooms and bathrooms, however, Yang will be needed in the kitchen, front doors and dining room.

    The interplay between the five elements and the forces they exert is what creates a healthy home and promotes positive energy. In Chinese culture positive energy is known as qi, it is pronounced “chee’.

    How to create Feng Shui work at home

    1. Make sure you clear the path to the front door to ensure a smooth transition.

    In Feng Shui, the front door is considered as the mouth of qi , the point at which energy can flow and enter from. Making sure you clear the way to your front door facilitates welcoming warm positive energy to your home. Examine your porch for obstructions that block the flow of qi.

    2. Learn to command the position

    The command position allows you to be in control of your life and be ready for anything that comes your way. If you place your furniture in a diagonal position from your front door, which allows you to see who or what enters the door, you’re at the top of your game and have power. This is true for your sofa, bed and even your desk at home. The command position enables you to unwind and relax – you’re prepared come what may.

    3. Clear the clutter in all the rooms to let the energy flow.

    Feng Shui is about maintaining harmony between the elements of the home. If your home houses items that can throw the energy off equilibrium, it may block the flow of qi. A clutter-filled space can signal unorganised thoughts that can burden you. Cultivating a clear space allows the mind to wander freely. You can also make the most of natural light by getting rid of objects that get in the way.

    4. Limit the energy flow.

    After removing all clutter, the next job is to slow down energy flow. Maintain the positive energy within the home to keep it.

    Begin with the pathways of your home. Because there aren’t many straight lines in nature, an ideal setup is where the two doors aren’t directly towards one another. This is particularly true for your front door as well as your back entrance. It wouldn’t be a good idea to allow the positive vibes to be left behind when they get there!

    Arranging artwork, rugs plants, or other items to gaze at that cause people to stop before moving on could slow the flow of energy.

    5. Make sure you are discerning when selecting the location of your home.

    Negative qi is thought to attract people to areas that are filthy. Do not live near graveyards, close to rubbish dump sites , or power stations. Also, avoid living at the very top or ‘end’ of a T-intersection since it can release a lot of energy directly into your home.

    Your home’s reflection of what you’re about and the type of energy you want to bring into your home. Once you get a feel of what you want, you’ll know when something goes astray. When you’ve figured out what to do, you’ll be able to decide what components need to be removed or added.