Read more about the article Provoking Awareness
Emotional Intelligence is also exploring what you see

Provoking Awareness

Since we believe that no one understands the entire truth of anything, that we all have a version of truth internally that very often differs from anyone elses and that truth is not a majority rule. We cannot support a version of reality where we get supporters for ‘our truth’…

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Read more about the article Supporting Connection
Emotional Intelligence, Explore Being Human CIC

Supporting Connection

In Explore Being Human we believe connection to be the most important of human needs. Best if it is both inner and outer connection, but both are worth it to develop. A baby in an incubator will die faster if it is not touched than if it is not fed.Actually…


Anna says NO!

Hi I'm Anna. Daisyna is one of my favourite toys - she is super grumpy and bossy and funny - so I've started a cartoon series about me and her. Daisyna usually argues with her duck friends, not me. I'm sort of Daisyna's mum, but I put us as friends…


Facing My Fears of Social Rejection

This is my first post. It's taken me a long time to take the plunge. Fear of criticism, judgement, or even social rejection stands in my way. This post is a step towards overcoming my fear - being imperfect and showing up anyway. What do you do to ensure you…