Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
“Emotional Intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, value and effectively apply the power of emotions as a source of human energy, information, trust, creativity, and influence.” —Daniel Goleman
“Emotional Intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, value and effectively apply the power of emotions as a source of human energy, information, trust, creativity, and influence.” —Daniel Goleman
"I believe I have a choice of what to believe in. I believe my mind is more powerful than me, it affects all my choices and it points to the destiny of my life. I believe that I am connected to all and that my choices matter. Both in what…
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a capacity building approach that selectively seeks to locate, highlight, and illuminate the life-giving forces within an organisation or community. AI seeks out the best of “what is” to help ignite the collective imagination of “what might be”. The aim is to generate new knowledge that…
Markets are showing a strong trend towards value based business. Consumers' choices about what they buy of services, products and entertainment are based more and more on values. Price is a value, but others have taken over, like uniqueness, quality, sustainability, content and substance. Even values about the company producing…
Nothing is really free. There is always some work included. Even our offers for free education cost an effort which money can't buy. Enjoy the offer at your will
Experiential Learning is what we offer and personally practise on all EBH approach to activities, even the way we teach
Events of EBH are to follow the model of Appreciative Inquiry, adaptable to change
How is Personal responsibility also about critical thinking?
I am very concerned about our mental state as human beings during this very intense response to a viral infection, where the official message is 'stay safe and wait for medicine' rather than a campaign to 'stay healthy in body and mind' and 'build natural immunity'. I believe that the…
There are a myriad of ways in which emotional intelligence can make a key difference. To you personally, your organisation and the world.